Weekend Mass Times
Saturdays at 4:00 pm
Sundays at 11:00 am
Sundays at 1:30 pm (winter)

Our Lady of Peace Parish
Lent Activities and Resources
Message from Fr. Maria
Lent is the season of preparation for Easter which means that now is the time to prepare well. With Ash Wednesday just a few days away, now is the time to come up with your plan to grow closer to Christ and share in His sufferings during the season of Lent as we prepare to celebrate the mystery of our salvation at Easter. If we leave coming up with our plan for Lent until Ash Wednesday, I know at least for me, it often takes days or weeks to really get started, meaning that we waste what is normally a great opportunity which is given to us during this holy season.
I would recommend that you watch Formed.org during this Lent and participate in parish Lenten activities. Our Lady of Peace Parish has an account with Fomed.org that enables our parishioners to access videos, audio programs and to read books all for free. I plan to watch all seven videos of The Search this Lent. The Search is an innovative video series that tackles the key questions of every human heart. In seven beautifully filmed episodes, Chris Stefanick and experts from multiple fields of science, medicine, psychology, art, and religion examine our place in the larger story of existence.
This Lent you are encouraged to read the Lenten reflection books which will be at the entrance of each church site and they have also been sent to some seniors at home. These books will help to spend time with God and deepen our relationship with God. Please read them and share your faith journey with others, and let them share theirs with you.
May you have a fruitful Lent!
Fr. Maria Arokiam