Weekend Mass Times
Saturdays at 4:00 pm
Sundays at 11:00 am
Sundays at 1:30 pm (winter)

Fredericton Convention Centre - Fredericton, NB
Conference description
Key Note Speaker
Fr. James Mallon

Fr James Mallon is the part-time Episcopal Vicar for Parish Renewal and Leadership Support for the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. Although now former pastor of Saint Benedict Parish in Halifax, he is still very much part of this faith community.
Fr James is also the author of the best selling book Divine Renovation: From A Maintenance to a Missional Parish, an engaging guide for parishes seeking to cultivate vibrant and dynamic faith communities centred on missionary discipleship. In 2016, Fr James also authored the Divine Renovation Guidebook, a step by step manual for transforming a parish. In 2019, Fr James co-authored the book, Unlocking Your Parish with Ron Huntley an inspiring and practical read on Alpha as a powerful tool for evangelization and discipleship.
The message of Divine Renovation has resonated in the hearts of tens of thousands of pastors and the laity throughout the world. It has inspired and motivated them to act and seek help in transforming their own faith community. To answer their needs, the Divine Renovation Ministry was created. Fr James serves the Archdiocese with half of his time and serves in the Divine Renovation Ministry with the other half of his time.
He currently resides in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In addition to his ministry, Fr James loves soccer, movies, photography, dogs, everything Apple and good single malt scotch.
Friday, October 23
Fredericton Convention Centre
Schedule to be Confirmed
Saturday, October 24
Schedule to be Confirmed
Sunday, October 25
11:00 am Closing Mass at St. Dunstan's Church
120 Regent St.
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions for the 2020 ACA Conference will be announced soon!
The Fredericton Convention Centre is conventiently located in downtown Fredericton. ACA has booked a block of rooms for conference participants at the Fredericton Crowne Plaza Lord Beaverbrook Hotel. Click on link below to book your room.