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Weekend Mass Times
Saturdays at 4:00 pm
Sundays at 11:00 am
Sundays at 1:30 pm (winter)
A Parish Living in an Extraordinary Time
These are extraordinary times we are living in right now! We are being called on to make huge adjustments in our lives in a form of social solidarity with our neighbors, our community and the entire world to protect the most vulnerable among us. As we continue to shelter in place, it is a good time for us to remember that are are church. That even if we cannot gather together in person there are still many ways that we can share and grow our faith, as individuals, with our families and with the community. In the days and weeks ahead we will be working on ways to do just that. This page will be updated regularly with resources for you and your families. Take care of yourselves and others!
Message from Bishop Christian Riesbeck,CC

Greetings of Peace from Father Martin Arputham - March 25, 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
COVID-19 has shaken the world; it has created a widespread psychological impact in all areas of our lives. It has been two weeks and it’s still on going. It’s a very new situation for most of us. It has affected our daily routine and indeed is causing lots of anxiety, stress and life style changes.
In this difficult time of uncertainty, I wish good health and safety to all of you. I’m writing this short message to ensure you that Our Lady of Peace Parish is here for you, your spiritual needs and moral supports that you might need.
I believe many of us are experiencing home isolation or quarantine and some might feel helplessness, boredom, and loneliness. Please remember the parish is thinking of you and offers our prayers and support. It’s important that we remain positive.
At the same time, I strongly believe some of us are already engaging our time in spiritual exercises, relaxation exercises, spending time with family, reading books, social conduct via phone and messages. These are all positive activities. Do not engage your time with false information and fear.
We are here to support you in this difficult time, and we encourage you to share your cares and compassion with the people you know who are needful of your phone calls and messages especially, the lonely.
Our parish will continue to host the Sunday masses on Saturdays at 4:00pm through Facebook Live, we hope you get chance to participate as we pray as a community for all of us. Our parish is also constantly thinking and discerning about how to reach you more effectively and offer our support.
Please do keep in mind that during this time the parish will struggle to keep up with our financial obligations. Please remember to pray for that cause. If you would like to continue your weekly offertory during this time, please contact the parish office for options.
Never ever forget that the parish is ready to help you spiritually and other ways, all that you need to do is call the parish office, me or any of the parish leadership team with whom you feel comfortable with and ask what are the ways the parish is able to help you. Likewise, please feel free to reach out to see if there are ways you can help during this time.
To those who are not yet connected to parish social media and website, please ask us and we will try to help you get connected to us. It’s wonderful time to keep learning to take care ourselves and the others.
May God be with you and bless you with good health and mind.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Father Martin Arputham
A Few Thoughts from Fr. Martin
Week of March 22, 2020 Living with Covid-1
Social Distancing & Isolation: In the face of the Covid-19 virus we are asked to maintain “social distancing” and “isolation”. This is not easy. We all like to gather with family and friends. We all want to spend time with one another. This social distancing is a hard challenge for everyone. But it is for the good of all.
Isolating ourselves at this time is not cutting ourselves off from one another because we want it or like it. It is not even, primarily to protect ourselves from the Covid-19 virus, although it does help us to do so.
The primary reason for social distancing and isolation is to protect one another. We are limiting the chance that we might have of being in contact with the virus and then pass it on to others, to family, to friends, to the people we with whom we might have contact. It is in fact an act of love.
As we separate from one another for this time, perhaps we should keep in mind that we are following what Jesus proclaimed”:
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as
I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone
will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
(John 13:34-35)
Spend a little time this week with what Jesus tells us here as we continue to live with isolation.
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